Meet The Founders

Rather than bore you with our full bios,
we’ve listed a few of the things that
we hope make us interesting at parties.


(written by Jen)
  • Is a Kiwi (New Zealander) by birth.
  • Has a wicked sense of humor. Particularly loves to laugh at herself.
  • Collects quirky, brilliant, devoted friends all over the world.
  • Was a nerd (studied neurophysiology at University of Auckland).
  • Worked for Vogue magazine. Failed miserably as a fashionista and was nearly fired.
  • Discovered an obsession with far-flung adventure while on camelback in the Thar Desert in India for a week.
  • Quit Vogue to become a travel writer and photographer.
  • Spent 23 years living mostly out of a suitcase; 10 of those were dedicated to photographing tribes. Did not accept the paltry few chickens offered as dowry.
  • Became a successful travel writer and has been published in magazines and newspapers worldwide.
  •  Loves to host big dinner parties and have other people cook. Is extremely adept at scattering the crowd with sympathetic gourmands.
  • Co-founded (yep, with Jen) Cynthia’s Sisters, which raises money to put girls through law school in the Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Is married to an outstandingly supportive (and handsome) man who works in high tech.
  • Is mother to two nearly perfect teenage daughters.
  • Produced a beautiful book called Potentia on women’s rights. The proceeds go to Cynthia’s Sisters.
  • Sits on the Silicon Valley Executive Committee for Human Rights Watch.


(written by Amanda)
  • Has a heart the size of Texas but firmly grounded in the politics of Northern California.
  • Has been a successful entrepreneur in the technology, games and food industries.
  • Is a certified life coach, which makes her even greater to work with.
  • Was the only person ever to run for 10th grade class president with the tagline “How Do You Spell Relief?” (She lost.)
  • Took a yearlong sabbatical at age 46 to volunteer with women in Nicaragua and Kenya.
  • Worked at Club Med as a tennis coach and party starter in the late 80s.
  • Is annoyingly fit and works out all the time.
  • Is an inspired cook, which is of enormous benefit to Amanda.
  • Is a beer and wine snob. Also of benefit.
  • Throws impromptu dinner parties for 20 with great frequency and ludicrous ease.
  • Drove a big-ass truck by herself from Seattle to Berkeley with our first tea machine in the back. Adopted the trucker handle “KikoMama.”
  • Mentors many, is a superlative friend and a bountiful aunt.img_7069-600px
  • Co-founded Cynthia’s Sisters (with Amanda), an organization that puts girls through law school in the Democratic Republic of Congo (the world’s most violent place for women, according to the UN).
  • Is a graduate of U.C. Berkeley with a degree in communications and business.